Sunday, October 12, 2014

Near future and the necessity to get food

Since we born our mothers give food to us. The first food that we eating is one liquid called milk. It is important for babies take this aliment because the milk will give all necessary nutrients needed to babies developed and grow healthy. If we stop only moment to think about this topic we will discovery that all our life we need some kind of food to live. And, if we go ahead we will discovery that a lot of peoples are hungry today because the population is increasing and the resources isn’t increasing together.

In National Geographic has one page addressing about “How to feed our growing planet” which is discussing the future of food. Currently, we have more than 7 billion people living in the earth planet. The necessity to develop new methods of distribution of food for everybody in every place is constantly asked because we know about the overpopulation problem. In the National Geographic website, addressing about food available here, we can find the following information “By 2050 we’ll need to feed two billion more people”. It is awesome because in less than 40 years we will increase more than 28% of current population in the earth planet. The resources never were so used how are being used currently, I said never. 

Photograph by Phạm Tỵ, National Geographic Your Shot.

More than two thousand years passed and the earth planet never experienced this “new era” of technology and overpopulation living together. The solution is living together with the problem. This is an important problem to think about and we need to start working in solutions NOW. However, the solutions exist and around the world in many countries are being used. But, we can’t relax in this current moment. We need to continue working and developing new technologies to produce and distribute food because the world need help to sustain this current increasing number of people.

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