Sunday, November 9, 2014

Man's best friend and the IEDs

The dogs are considered the best friends of men. Also, they are considered the best discoverers of IEDs. Because they are domesticated animals, it is easy to train them to do good work in many different areas. In specific, the area of security there are many trained dogs acting to help maintain the countries safe.

 Picture available here.

In the National Geographic article "Billions Have Been Spent on Technology to Find IEDs, but Dogs Still Do It Better", written by Ashleigh N. DeLuca, the author addresses about canine heroism. The dogs have a excellent sense of smell, which turns easy finding improvised explosive devices (IEDs). It is incredible to see the process of action used by dogs to find explosives. The natural skills of detection through smelling together with the good relationship between humans  are the main factors to explain the why dogs are so helpful in these situations.

Personally, I found interesting the sentence that one man said during the text in the article "What became very clear to me is that if you don't see the teams in action, it's really hard to glean what the dog teams are capable of by just reading about them.". It is really true, because the dogs can surprise us with its own abilities used to many different causes.

 Lucky and his handler, Army Pfc. Jonathan Van Dyk, search for explosives as part of a training program at Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona.

Photograph by Adam Ferguson, National Geographic Creative

Thus, we can see that dogs show us the really main of friendship, because they are willing to sacrifice their own life to save human's life. "These working dogs have saved uncountable soldiers life", according the article in National Geographic, and they are helping to build a better world, without improvised explosive devices.

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