Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Adopting The Love

In this article I will aboard about my new online social networking. First I will explain how this idea come to my mind. In Wednesday, September 17 in 2014 we were having class whit Dr. Joseph D. Di Lella, professor at WESL in Western Illinois University. In this day, the Joseph's class was about 'Social Media' and we saw some videos addressing the actually form to get information. Further, others aspects was addressing like the online social networking and the form that it is used as one means of earning money. So, the professor Joseph pass homework for WESL students about the theme 'Social Media Platform' and asked for us design a logo and explain the why us decided work for specific cause. Therefore, I'm writing this article for shared my online social media that I created.

Have you ever felt moved to read about the number of children waiting for a home where they can live? Have you ever stopped to wonder why so many children are left by their mothers? Is would this an inhumane act of absence of love? Is would this an act of lack of financial condition? Is would this a way to disconnect from an error committed in the past? What do you think about this?

Several times I wonder me about these questions, I have thinking if the world is becoming a colder world, without love, without human values​​. With this in mind, I decided to create a space in which people can redeem the love, theirs love of life. I present to you guys
the hope to be happy and make other person happy:
Adopting the Love.

 In this website you will meet new peoples, you will read families' testimonials about this new experience of how is has a new piece of love in theirs life. Each peace of love is one children that need one family to be happy. When you navigate in Adopting the Love you will able to choice the most moving story. These story that make you feeling different you also can like clicking in the button:

And if you want shared this with a friend that is looking for someone to make happy you will can mark this person in a list of waiting. A lot of babies and children are needing us, needing a new house to live, needing a new person to love. However, us - Adopting the Love's workers - we will be analyzing the application list and contacting the person that will be lucky to make one children or baby happy.

The Adopting the Love logo design is shown bellow:

This new Online Social Adopting system has the support of government and the new families formed will receive economic and health assistance, because they contribute to a better world, a world that had given chances for our children in future. Join us: and live your life with more love.

 *This website does not exist. This is just one article addressing new ideas for new Social Media Platform. All rights reserved.

Miranda, Artur


  1. Artur, this is such a cool idea. Clearly you have a big heart and amazing ideas!

  2. Thank you. We need to do something to change a situation, to get solutions. This would be just an example for a first step.
